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dave23 asked

Chassis grounding ?


Could you tell me how to ground EasySolar 2 from M6 terminal inside chassis.

I have 24V system, and rcbo that have lightning protection which switches off when I connect load. When I remove Earth wire from rcbo and connect load then it works ok. So I think that solution is to connect M6 terminal from inside chassis to grounding rod?

I would use 16mm2 wire and rebar would that be ok?

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matthias-nagel avatar image matthias-nagel commented ·

First of all, the AC terminals are three-pole terminals for L, N and PE. Hence, the chassis is grounded via the PE terminals of the AC connectors. The Easy Solar II is a class 1 device, see

I do not really understand what you try to achieve. If your RCBO trips, then for good, i.e. safety, reasons, because it detects a residual current. I doubt that it will be any better, if you try to connect something inside the chassis. There is no reason for that.

I guess that you try to do something which isn't supposed to be done that way and which is probably unsafe. Please explain in more detail how your setup looks like, in particular, where you placed the trippin RCBO, where you tried to connect the grounding wire, etc. Most preferably you would make a drawing.

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