
pda1 avatar image
pda1 asked

Multiplus- grid backfeed?

I've purchased, but haven't installed, a Multiplus 24/2000 to connect to my pv system.

I'm concerned that it'll backfeed the grid and have read there's a setting which when changed will allow backfeeding the grid.

Is there a way to prevent it from backfeeding the grid even though the "mains" has no power? (LOM)

Thank you

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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4 Answers
elvis avatar image
elvis answered ·

LOM is there to prevent exactly that.

No mains, No feed in.

Anyway, unless you install the ESS assistant backfeeding cannot be selected.

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pda1 avatar image
pda1 answered ·

That's good. Is LOM a setting? If it is then is there an internal relay which will completely disconnect AC wires that might be able to back feed?

I think I found the answer and hope this applies the Multiplus-

2.1 What is LOM detection?

LOM is an automatic process that detects a loss of the mains/network/grid supply. After the detection, the inverter/charger will open its back-feed relay, making sure there is no live AC voltage on its AC-inputs, and anything connected to these inputs.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Unless you plan on using ESS, back feeding is not even a possibility. Even with ESS back feeding can be disabled.

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danqcca avatar image
danqcca answered ·

if you do not enable ESS, you cannot feed in. 2 print screen from the ESS configuration.
Even if you enable ESS, you can restrict feed in to the grid / to the AC IN



By default, your Multiplus will not feed in to the grid. Don't worry, be happy and connect it.

nofeedin.png (42.4 KiB)
possiblefeedin.png (75.8 KiB)
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bla32 avatar image bla32 commented ·

Hi danqcca,

What's your inverter?

I'm looking for this setting, but in my case I want to backfeed, or better, supply my household loads so as to reduce draw from the grid.

Does the victron automatically feed the loads at it's output or do I need to add an external current sensor to do so? I'm looking into the original multiplus. Thanks!

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