
cunningtom avatar image
cunningtom asked

Streetlight function Reverse

I am looking to see the best way or if Victron could update the Streetlight function to trigger the load only during daylight Hours. For context we provide solar systems for Survey GNSS repeaters that need to be switched off in the evening to avoid wasted current draw. then resume during daylight hours.
The streetlight function works perfectly for this. But needs to have the option to work in reverse.

A relay controlled from the load output could work but no longer results in capturing the load usage during the day. a TX controlled relay could work also but requires another component in the system with same issue above I believe.

Has anyone managed to achieve this with just a MPPT 100/20 or similar?

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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Can't say I've got experience with this but if there isn't a built in solution could you just use a relay controlled from the street light relay? Essentially using a second external relay to change Street light from NO to NC or vice versa depending on time of day.

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