
billknny avatar image
billknny asked

How to do a "Clean install" for the Large add-ons?

Version 3.01-Large running on a Cerbo. Having some odd behavior from the Signal K server, and before I go too far down a rabbit hole, I want to do a clean install of it. I'd prefer to avoid the big hammer of a full factory reset on the Cerbo. Is there a way to do this with just SignalK? or just SignalK and Node-red without resetting the entire system?

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1 Answer
billknny avatar image
billknny answered ·

I have a partial answer here, at least one that solved my problem. If you have a confused SignalK server that gets stuck with new and existing Apps, you can log into shh, and delete /data/conf/signalk Then reboot, and create a new admin access account. That fixed my problem. As always, make a copy of the old version first. Victron is working on a cleaner, easier way of doing this, but until that happens, this was WAY better than a complete wipe of the Cerbo.

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