
George Grammatikoglou avatar image
George Grammatikoglou asked

Attribute codes meanings

I do a get request for my installation and i get data for some attributes (e.g. Pdc, bv, bs) but i dont know what they mean exactly. For example Pdc is the Current Power?

Moreover, is there a list for all atribute codes and what do they mean?

For example the json contains:

"totals": {

"Bc": 6.658641815185547,

"Bg": 0.026947021484375,

"Pc": 14.463402848690748,

"Pb": 8.77824854850769,

"Pg": 18.278285451233387,

"kwh": 48.20552568510175


the meaning of Bc, Bg, Pc, Pb, Pg can be found somewhere?

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2 Answers
amm avatar image
amm answered ·


I'm asking the same question.

All attributes are described in the answer to this query:{idSite}/diagnostics


"code": "Pb","description": "PV to battery",
"code": "Pg","description": "PV to grid",
"code": "Pc","description": "PV to consumers",
"code": "Gb","description": "Grid to battery",
"code": "Gc","description": "Grid to consumers",
"code": "Bc","description": "Battery to consumers"
"code": "Bg","description": "Battery to grid",

Only I can't found answer for "kwh"


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fjaehn avatar image
fjaehn answered ·


thank you for the helpful information.

When requesting the "Installation Stats" API without any "type", I get the following.

What does Pdc, bs and bv mean?

... "totals": {

"Pdc": 4345.057729672401,

"bs": 69.25,

"bv": 99.98400000000004,

"total_solar_yield": 2.06005859375,

"total_consumption": 0.29127073287963867,

"total_genset": 0,

"grid_history_to": 0,

"grid_history_from": 0,

"iOI1": false


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