
davidlang451 avatar image
davidlang451 asked

MPPT 75/15 charging issue

Hello. My MPPT 75/15 is not increasing the voltage during Bulk. It stays below 13.6 for 6-8 hours. Then it goes up to 14+ for a few minutes. I have two Expion 360, 100 ah batteries and 200 watts of solar. I have the battery settings per the Expion recommendations. SmartShunt is saying the batteries get fully charged every day. Please help. Thanks!!

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1 Answer
geomz avatar image
geomz answered ·


I’m a bit confused by your question. What do you mean it stays at 13.6 for hours then 14+ for a few minutes? Does the controller show any power going into the batteries at this time? What SOC are you at when this happens? Is it possible your batteries are staying well above float voltage, so the system just stays in float? What are your matched settings on the smartshunt?

Can you post your settings —presumably what your have your MPPT controller currently set to? Also, can you post those same settings for the shunt? In particular, we want the absorption and float voltage settings. But the tail current, et al, would also be useful.

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