
lc10w avatar image
lc10w asked

Percentage v volts

Why would my lithium-smart shunt-colorGX be saying 78% at only 12.2v this early morning.

I've been stationary for three weeks relying on only moderate solar. By mid morning its usually back up to 100%-13.2v. Do I just need to take the rig for a drive, giving the system a 'cook' at 14.4v to reset it all?

battery system voltage
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8 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

12.2V is almost empty.

Charging to 13.2V is not 100%.

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lc10w avatar image
lc10w answered ·

Exactly! 12.2v is 10-15% - why would the shunt/GX be saying 78%?!

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Post the charger settings and the SmartShunt settings.

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lc10w avatar image
lc10w answered ·

Smart Shunt...

13.2v (battery manufacturer rested recommendation)

Snapshot, currently...

13.3v, SOC 100%, +5.27A

Smart Solar settings

Bulk-absorb 14.4v

Float 13.3v

Snapshot of battery bank, currently... Bulk state

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

For the MPPT:


Your Absorption voltage set to 14.4V is the absolute maximum you should use.

That LiFePO4 battery has a BMS?

Can you read or measure cell voltages?

Depending on these answers, a lower Absorption voltage might be better (safer).


Float - try 13.4V


Depending on battery capacity and the MPPT & PV array you have, it might be needed to limit the charging current. But you gave no data.


For the SmartShunt:

Set "Charged voltage" 0.1V - 0.2V lower than absorption voltage from the MPPT.

Tail current - try in this range: 3.5% - 5% (make sure the battery capacity is set correctly).

Charged detection time: 5 minutes


Never discharge the battery below 12V.

Never discharge any LiFePO4 cell below 3V.

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lc10w avatar image
lc10w answered ·

Batteries are 4x 100ah with internal BMS. From memory, I think I put the absorb at 14.4 as there was no setting to define the bulk voltage - this may have been the recommendation by the battery manufacturer (KS Energy), it's been some time now I can't remember.

Here's the settings I currently have...


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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·
400Ah battery and 50A charger - no problem.

Your "Charged voltage" from the SmartShunt (13.2V) was/is too low.

In the MPPT:

Just to be extra safe, set equalization duration to 0h0m. Equalization is disabled and equalization current is 0%, so this is a third safety measure.

The Absorption duration of 2 hours might be too short.

What's the total PV power?

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lc10w avatar image
lc10w answered ·

680w (2x 340w Trica half-cut)

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·
It might not be able to fully recharge the 5kWh battery in one day even with clear sky in summer.

Almost surely it needs more than 2 hours in Absorption mode.

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lc10w avatar image
lc10w answered ·

Battery specs...


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