
kimmo-paukku avatar image
kimmo-paukku asked

"Has DC system"


System info:

Multiplus 48/5000VA

Pylontech 14,4kW

3xMPPT 150/35

Venus GX Fv.2.92

I would like to know, if I enable “has DC system”, is that load added to total daily consumption ?

I have also an other separate system with 10 years old 2x Multiplus 48/3000VA connected in parallel.

These old 3000VA multiplus inverters are connected without shunt to the same Pylontech battery bank, as my Multiplus 48/5000VA inverter.

The both setups has their own breaker boxes.

5000VA Multiplus feeds my normal house loads and old 3000VA multiplus inverters feeds my hot water heater and laundry machine only.

If I enable “has DC system” and switch on my water heater, I can see that load on “DC system” on my Venus GX, but Im not sure, if that load/consumption is added to daily consumption report or not…. ?

If that is not added to daily consumption report, how I can get it ?


dc system
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Kimmo Paukku

The 'Has DC' values aren't included in any cumulative totals. Some info here..

I don't think there's another way to see what you want on the Dashboard, but I could be wrong. VRM doesn't actually provide a lot of cumulative stuff, and it wasn't so long ago that even direct ac usage from a generator was excluded.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I could be corrected on this but a smart shunt set to dc energy meter. I have not tried that yet though on any set up so can't day for sure about adding to cumulative consumption. There would definitely be more accurate information on the widget.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I have a shunt programmed as DC Meter - DC loads. I just ran a test and DC consumption is still not included in the VRM consumption.

This should probably change especially for mobile systems. At the very least, the term "consumption" used on VRM should change to "AC consumption".

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