
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack asked

Which Multiplus-2 and Quttro-2 are allowed to feed-in in Estonia?

I have a customer which feed up with the Grid provider Elektrilevi in Estonia, because he has regularly power cuts which has cost his enterprise already a very huge sum when the puwer cut happen, while the machines are in production.

We are planning to solv this problem since last year and consider installing:

1) MultiPlus/Quattro inverter

2) 8 SOPzS Battery sets 48V/4350Ah

3) Cerbo GX

4) Battery Balancer

5) 6 RS 450/200

6) Fronius Symo with at least 60kWp

The problem is now, that the MultiPlus-II 48/15000 can work in 3-phase and feed-in, but not parallel

The Quattro allow 3-phase AND parallel, which would give 144kW/180kVA, BUT it can not feed in.

The idea was to AC couple the Fronius that the batteries are charged even if the Grid fail. Hence with the Quattro I am stuck on AC in coupled system plus a 500A energy meter.

I also stuck currently in the Victron Training videos.

Any hints ideas and such?



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerfeedin
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

What let's you think that the Quattro can't feed-in?
You might need an external NS-protection but that depends on local laws and you have to discuss that with the grid provider.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Because there is currently no Quattro-II 48/15000. Hence the the normal one can not feed-in.

And using 18 MultiPlus-II 48/5000 is no option because they are too small and the cabling become a nightmare. Also it would require two Inverter units on the same batteries, hence 36 MultiPlus-II. I think, this is not doable at all.

However, the Gid provider allow currently a Feed-In of 400V/350A, hence 140kW, but this will increase, once the two 40kW windmills and the two Fronius (60kWp) are installed.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Feed-in and ESS can be used with ALL MultiPlus and Quattro (as long as they have the large processor 26 - 230V or 27 - 120V).
From the smallest MultiPlus with 500VA up to the 15kVA MultiPlus/Quattro ("old" and new).

The main difference between the "old" MultiPlus/Quattro and the new MP-II/Q-II is the 2nd AC In transfer relay for NS-protection but that is NOT needed for ESS and feed-in.

As I wrote above with the "old" MP/Q you might need an external NS-protection meet local laws/regulations and you have to discuss that with the grid provider.

Edit: see ESS manual, there is no limitation that it can only be used with MP-II and Q-II

We startet installing ESS with Victron components (using HUB-1 to HUB 4 programming) almost 15 years ago. The MP-II wasn't available back then.
We also installed many big ESS (up to 180kVA limit) with the "old" Quattro and an external NS-protection.

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