
crunch42 avatar image
crunch42 asked

MultiPlus Compact 24/2000 battery connections confusion

Attached is a photo I took of the inverter where I've labeled three studs as A, B, and C. I assume that A is DC+ since there's a plus sign on the PCB, but is B the negative, or is C? And then what's the extra stud for? The manual doesn't help.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
inverter.jpg (299.3 KiB)
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

There is a fuse conected between A and B

connect Positive to A in your Photo and Negative to C in your Photo

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crunch42 avatar image crunch42 commented ·

But what's B for?

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jwfrary avatar image jwfrary crunch42 commented ·

Don’t connect anything to B

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