
magicmike avatar image
magicmike asked

Multiplus II and Multiplus blowing RBC when connected to grid (no problem with generator ac in)


I have old multiplus and new one.

Both updated to newest firmware.

Both connected to generators- no problem with AC IN.

Between generator (10kw but always set max 2000w in victron connect) I never had problem with RBC blown.

We got new grid installation a while ago, today for whole day I've been trying to set up connection between grid to multiplus and keeps blowing fuse (64B).

If connected directly to 64 main trigger it blows trigger.

No matter if multiplus is turned off or not. It's just like having some shortage?

I've everything grounded inc cases.

I'm pulling my hairs out again and don't really know where to start. I read old topics but no luck.

Electrician is a big problem for me I'm living in remote/ rural area. Someone's who deals with a pv is like getting a human sending to mars.

Please help.

I'm willing to contribute for help.

Thank you


I dont want to send back power to grid.

Just to top up batteries when sun is down and my PV's are off.

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1 Answer
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Have you use a vm to verify the incoming grid is correct voltage and line/neutral/ground are all wired to the correct conductors?

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magicmike avatar image magicmike commented ·
I've checked voltage with multimeter its 236v. (settings are up to 256 as i remember by default)

Yes, L/N/G are correct, been checking it few times.

Just thinking now, do i need grid meter?

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