
Bruce Rattray avatar image
Bruce Rattray asked

BlueSolar MPPT 150/85

I have a BlueSolar MPPT 150/85 (Firmware ver 2.02)with the 2 Canbus ports only,connected to

a CCGX ,which connects to a Multiplus via VE Direct. Is there a way to modify settings on the MPPT

besides using the panel buttons and the LCD display? The LCD has a few segments which are not

readable so cant see the values reliably to make changes ...

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

VictronConnect on a PC, VRM tab.

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Bruce Rattray avatar image
Bruce Rattray answered ·

Thank understanding is that one needs the mk3 usb for victronconnect app and the mk2 does not work with the app? Will the values be brought over from the mppt to CCGX on canbus and then to the muliplus on VEbus and then to the mk3?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

The app allows you to access the MPPT settings remotely via the VRM remote tab, provided it is visible via the GX and VRM.

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Bruce Rattray avatar image Bruce Rattray nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks clarify things,does the MK2 USB work for this or will I need the M3 USB ?
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ Bruce Rattray commented ·

@Bruce Rattray Check out the Connect & Configure Remotely in the Latest VictronConnect Update video. You only need a VE Direct cable between the CGX and mppt.

Should you want to program a multi, you can use VRM: Remote VEConfigure , no MK3 device needed.

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Bruce Rattray avatar image Bruce Rattray klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
@klim8skeptic thanks but it seems it requires a VE Direct connection between CCGX and MPPT,but my MPPT is a VE Can device with 2 VE Can sockets ?
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ Bruce Rattray commented ·

@Bruce Rattray Is your mppt 150/85 one of the metal cased units, with a LCD display?

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Bruce Rattray avatar image Bruce Rattray klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

@klim8skeptic yes it is...I read conflicting information regarding this device being able to be remotely configured,but it seems it cannot be done over the Canbus it seems ?

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ Bruce Rattray commented ·
@Bruce Rattray Unfortunately the only option to program the olde 150/85 is via the lcd screen and buttons.

There is no possibility to use other computer/web programming options.

If your mppt is less than 5 years old, contact your supplier re warranty.

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Bruce Rattray avatar image Bruce Rattray klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
@klim8skeptic Unfortunately it is out of warranty,I installed it in 2015 so it seems that I will need to get a new MPPT to get

the Lithium batteries connected...

@Seb71 Yes I have tried a few options but cannot get connected to the MPPT "settings" as it is on Canbus only...

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Bruce Rattray avatar image Bruce Rattray nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
@nickdb Does VE Power setup,connected via the Victron CANUSB interface allow access to any settings,or is it only for uploading updates ?
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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Is that some vey old MPPT model?

Anyway did you try and did not work?

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