
mosquito52 avatar image
mosquito52 asked

Multiplus 2 shutdown

Hello community,

My off grid system consists of:

Victron MultiplusII 10kW,

250/100 MTTP Ve.Can,

Cerbo GX,

Pylontech Force L1 518AH/24.86KW battery bank,

and 5.16KW solar panel system.

I have a VE.Can to CAN-bus BMS type A cable connected from the BMS port on the battery to the Bms Can port on the cerbo Gx, with the terminator on the Cerbo Gx.

An rj45 cable that connects the VE.Can port of the Cerbo Gx to the VE.Can port of the MTTP with the respective terminators.

An rj45 cable connects the VE.Bus port of the cerbo GX to the VE.Bus port of the Multiplus II.A second Rj45 cable from the second VE.Can port of the inverter connecting it to MK3-USB.

When I use Victron Connect or VEconfig to configure the Multiplus II through the MK3-USB, the inverter switches off (on again after a few seconds) with the indication of "BMS communication lost" followed by the "Low Battery Alarm" and, as a consequence the inverter shutdown. This can happen after a minute or after several minutes of handling the "Victron Connect" or "VEConfig" apps,

Please does anyone have any idea what could be going on. The whole system has been working fine with no errors!

Best regards and Thanks

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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

If you use MK3 with VictronConnect the communication to the Cerbo is blocked so the MultiPlus will switch off after a while because it lost communication to the BMS.

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mosquito52 avatar image mosquito52 commented ·
Hi Matthias,
Thank you very much for your reply, it's a relief I thought I had a problem
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Connecting the MK3-USB and Cerbo to the VE.Bus may be the root of your problem. I know when VictronConnect (or VeConfig) connects to the Multi through the MK3-USB, the connection to Cerbo is lost. Since the BMS is connected to Ve.Can and with no communications with the Multi, a fault could be triggered and reported slightly incorrectly (The Multi and BMS are not communicating even though the BMS is communicating with Cerbo.)

When using the MK3-USB, you should be disconnecting the Multi from Cerbo.

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mosquito52 avatar image mosquito52 commented ·
Hi Kevin,
When referring to disconnecting the Multi from the Cerbo, do you mean the VE.Bus cable? or through "settings" in "remote console"
Thank You very much
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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas mosquito52 commented ·
Physically disconnect the ve.bus cable from the cerbo
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mosquito52 avatar image mosquito52 derrick thomas commented ·
Hi Derrick,

Thank you very much for the information, I'll try it!

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