
Herwig Huber avatar image
Herwig Huber asked

MultiPlus II 12v OFF/ON Grid & Solar setup

Hello World,

First of all: Sorry for my dumb questions, I am obviously very new to solar energy...

On our Food Truck we are running a MultiPlus II (12V / 3000 / 120) as a battery charger and inverter for our AC loads. Whenever the vehicle is connected to the grid the multiplus is taking the power from the grid, and as soon as the vehcile is unplugged from the grid the loads are taken from the inverter.

Now I like to add 2 solar panels on the roof top. What is the preferable setup to do so?

A) Use some micro inverters and connect it to the AC "grid":

or B) Use an MPPT device and connect it to the DC "grid":

Is "A" even possible, because the MultiPlus is NOT permanenty connected to the grid?

And where exactly will the MPPT be mounted to? Battery or Multiplus?

Best regards, Herwig

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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

A) Is possible if wired on ACOUT1 of multiplus as long as you abide by the factor of one rule and that the inverter supports frequency shifting (so that the multiplus can adjust it's output frequency to turn off the AC coupled PV in the event there's too much solar).

Factor of one: AC-coupling and the Factor 1.0 rule [Victron Energy]

Although possible I would recommend B for your setup as it's simpler, and generally more common on remote installs.

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