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ulfilas asked

MultiPlus for standby compensatio in a full feed-in system

On my full feed-in system i have a over night consumption of 10W for standby power of "NA-Schutz", communication module and PV-inverter. For these minimal power consumption i have to sign a consumer contract that bills 100€/Year for only 26kWh.
My idea is to set up a minimal system with only a Multiplus and a small battery to compensate the standby power over night. I don't want to set up an ESS with cerbo and grid meter to keep the costs as low as possible.
Is it possible to set the Multiplus to a fixed inverter power like 10W and then use the remote switch to toggle from day(charging) and night(inverting) mode?

@mvader (Victron Energy) is maby the Privat Assistant a posibillity to implement such a functionality? And what would it need to implement it?

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