
njhelspe avatar image
njhelspe asked

Transfer switch recommendations


My power company is bugging me to install a transfer switch. They are concerned about back feeding.

My setup: I have a couple split phase multiplus units feeding a couple breakers in my breaker box, currently.

I switch back and forth between mains feeding my breaker box and the multiplus feeding my breaker box depending if my batteries are full. I was using the mains breaker and the breakers that were fed by the Multiplus units to do the switching.

I am thinking about installing a transfer switch outside before the 200 amp service enters the house. I would run the multiplus outputs also to this transfer switch. And the transfer switch output would feed my breaker mains.

Two questions:

1) Does such a transfer switch exist that can switch between mains Or Multiplus inputs and output to the breaker mains?

2) Any thoughts as to "kosherness" of such a setup?

Thank you!


Multiplus-IItransfer switch
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2 Answers
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Please consult with your local Victron dealer for help with system design.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Dou you have only the MultiPlus or the MultiPlus-II?

Only the later one can feed back.

For the MultiPlus you do need only the transfer switch to bypass the Inverters in case they are broken.

You can get transfer switches from ABB, but everything which is bigger then 125A become costly.

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