
Jan Viehweger avatar image
Jan Viehweger asked

Two smaller Multis in parallel or one big Quattro


i allready have a Multiplus 12/3000/120 with Remote Control in my RV. Since i need more power (two induktion plates instead of one) i’m thinking of buying another Multiplus of the same size an connect it in parallel. Does that make sense? what about the remote control? Is it able to control two Multis at the same time? Would it also be possible, that the second multi starts only if the power is needed? Or do you say buy one 12/5000/100

thanks for your help!


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It is possible to add another MultiPlus of the exact same model as your existing one.
When configured in parallel the two MultiPlus' will appear as one device on a CCGX.

The MultiPlus' configured in parallel will synchronize and share the load equally, they will not operate sequentially.

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Jan Viehweger avatar image
Jan Viehweger answered ·

thanks for this clear answer! so the gx panel will recognize them as one device too, right? if so, to which of both it has to be connected to?

also, do the both multis have to have the same firmware in order to play together?

thanks again

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Please study this document which explains the technicalities of configuring parallel systems.

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