
Martin Gasthuber avatar image
Martin Gasthuber asked

MultiPlus II 48/5000 LED codes/definitions


running the new MultiPlus since a few days, i observed LED codes i could not find any explanation in the manual nor the 'Victron Toolkit' app (esp. the 'mains on' and 'inverter on' leds blinking combinations). Are there any other source of documentation i can look into ?

best regards,


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4 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @martghh

What exact led-code are you missing in the app?

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Martin Gasthuber avatar image
Martin Gasthuber answered ·

Hi Daniel,

sorry for the late reply - the last 2 weeks did not have the right 'sunny' conditions to re-show what i'm asking. The main uncertancy was about the 'in sync' and 'alternating' blinking topmost LED line (mains and inverter). If sync or alternating does not matter, than most of my questions are vaporized ;-)

best regards,


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PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered ·

1. Mains on , Bulk Flashing and Inverter flashing ( in ESS mode )

2. Mains on Float flashing Inverter flashing

3. Mains on Float on Inverter flashing

Cannot find these in the toolkit - where can I find a full code listing?

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ecoworld avatar image
ecoworld answered ·

Did you ever get an answer about undocumented LED Codes?

i have inverter ON led flashing with float and absorb LEDs ON steady and no output power. Happened at 9pm. no sunshine

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abner-grech avatar image abner-grech commented ·
Hello. I have the same situation. The mains on flashes for a few seconds and then the mains on goes off and the inverter on led flashes and the float and absorb LEDs are on steady and no output power. Did you solve it?
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