
Martin Gasthuber avatar image
Martin Gasthuber asked

charge current from MPPT while in ESS mode with large variations


i used the ESS config from the very first and observed already a few months ago that the charge current ('feed in' allowed in ESS config) have dropped to ~40% of the max rate (not cloudy days of course). In the very early ESS days, this was not the case (MPPT charge current shows a smooth curve throughout the day). I guess that the loop in Venus is somehow responsible for the control. Are there known parameters (ESS of system config) having influence on this ?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

ESS Feed in parameters have been adjusted since it's introduction.

Can you please confirm which firmware versions you are running for each of the Victron devices?

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Martin Gasthuber avatar image
Martin Gasthuber answered ·

Hi Guy,

the time i've posted the question Venus: v2.32~2, Multi: 429, MPPTs: 1.39 - since then i've upgraded the MPPTs to 1.42 and the behaviour is getting better - but not as smooth as in the old days ;-) DVCC and SVS are 'on'. Less often then before, i saw the yellow LED at the MPPTs 'on' for a few seconds and very close to that, a reduction of the charge power.

best regards,


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