
neoman avatar image
neoman asked

Multiplus 12/800 + VE.BUS BMS + LI-Ion 160Ah : AC detector settings ?

Hello Victron community,

I'm about to end my camper van conversion, and it's time to set up my electrical devices !

My system is the following : a multiplus 12/800 inverter/charger + a li-ion 160Ah battery + SmartSolar 100/30 + BMV 700 + VE.BUS BMS + DigitalMulti Control.

I read in the VE.BUS BMS manual that I needed to install the AC detector in order to restart the Multiplus. So I did, but it seems that I have now to set up correctly the multiplus with the "VE.Bus BMS assistant or the Self-consumption Hub-2 v2 assistant".

My question is : What is this assistant, and how to load into my multiplus ? Do I need the MK3-USB interface ? It's not so clear in the manual... I currently set up the Multiplus with the DIP switch only.

Thanks for helping

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·
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neoman avatar image neoman commented ·

Thanks a lot Paul, I've order the MK3 interface so as to update the settings of my Multiplus and add the new assistant. Moreover, I've seen the E7 error on the screen of my Digital Multi control panel, that means "VE.Bus BMS detected, but not configured". I will update this thread

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