
geoffburn avatar image
geoffburn asked

Multiplus wont use shore power

  • Multiplus 48/3000 shows shore power 235v at 50Hz on ac input but dose not switch to use the shore power

When i switch on and connect to the shore power the AC led lights up for a short while then a relay clicks and the LED goes out and only battery power is used.

Ive tried charger Only mode but wont charge batteries either

please help

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


How have you programmed it?

If it have virtual switch enabled, that is probably the reason. (It is enabled by default)

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geoffburn avatar image geoffburn commented ·
No I haven't programed it

Wouldn't know how

I'm using victron connect app with a ve bus smart dongle

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ geoffburn commented ·

You will need to do so so it can charge your battery bank correctly. The default programming is described in the manual that it came with.

You will need an mk3 and an otg for your phone. Or use it with a laptop. You can still use Victron connect for the basics.

You can open Victron Connect in demo library, have a look at the settings there for your inverter. In Victron connect Virtual Switch is called AC input control.

Some suppliers will do it for you as a courtesy.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ geoffburn commented ·
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geoffburn avatar image geoffburn Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I got 2nd hand have no manual

So I need to get mk3 device

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geoffburn avatar image geoffburn geoffburn commented ·
I've purchased a mk3 interface

But changing the settings has made no difference

It will not use the shore power the voltage 230v and the frequency is 50Hz

So I can't charge battery

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Martin Měkota avatar image
Martin Měkota answered ·

Hi. I have a similar problem With Multiplus 24/3000/70-50. I used "input current limit control" assistant to control AC ignore. Multi sometimes doesn´t connect to grid, so it discharges battery. Today it happened and it also did not restarted after DC input voltage rised higher than DC input low restart voltage (this should have anything to do wit assistants, true?).

This non accepting grid happens only sometimes. AC ignore is controlled by DC input voltage and AC out power. If level for connecting to grid was higher, it worked well, but did not used battery capacity properly. After I set voltage for connecting lower, it started to do this again.

I´m still thinkig, if the problem is caused by wrong setting, but sometimes it works, sometimes not. So, maybe it is also something wrong with Multi...

When Multi is not accepting grid, there is ACognore = 0 on a VE configure. So, I accept, that assistant is "saying" that it should connect, but i doesn´t connect.

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