
ian0 avatar image
ian0 asked

How do I configure the Multiplus II as an inverter?

All I want is for the Multiplus II to function as a grid-tied inverter, without feeding power back to the grid.

Hub-1 "Prevent feeding energy to the grid" seems like the obvious choice, but it just sits there with its "inverter" indicator illuminated and lets the grid supply the power.

I also tried "Connected to mains no feedback" with much the same results.

I note that the power being supplied by the grid is displayed correctly in the latter case, but shown as zero in the former.

I am using an external current transformer, which I presume is working because the power is displayed correctly if I select "connected to mains, no feedback", even though the connector provided differs from the one shown in the manual.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Please give us an overview of your System.

What components do you have?

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3 Answers
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Maybe ESS mode, with no Feed-In ?

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ian0 avatar image ian0 commented ·

From reading the manual, it seems to imply that ESS mode needs additional equipment. That's why I didn't try it first. Am I correct?

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ian0 avatar image ian0 commented ·
I read the ESS manual, and it says that there are three modes, and options to enable or disable feed-in.

I don’t see those options on my unit.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

You will have to set a grid code to allow the system to sync with the grid, get a GX device to run ESS with a 0 grid setpoint and also comply with the local regulations relating to connecting power generating equipment to the grid. In the UK a DNO notification for G98 systems is required or larger systems require a G99/G100 application.

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ian0 avatar image ian0 commented ·

So I’ve bought an inverter and you are telling me I have to spend another £200 to make it function as an inverter?

At the moment it is functioning as a brick, so I hardly need to notify anyone of anything.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw ian0 commented ·

Loads can be powered on ACOUT with a gridcode "none" which will ensure no DC is fed into the grid supply via ACIN as it will keep the relay open. The hubs are mostly deprecated and replaced with ESS.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Best sign up at and go through the video tutorials.

These systems require a degree of knowledge to make them operate and have to be configured for your environment using a mk3 USB adapter, since you don't have a GX and can't remotely push a config to it.

Without ESS configured it will never feed back, nor with it enabled.

You have to configure it to feed back, so if you just want an inverter, just apply the relevant grid, inverter and charger settings to the multi and leave it to do its thing.

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ian0 avatar image ian0 commented ·
All the videos want me to spend another £200 and buy a GX interface - so why does the MultiPlus II include a self-consumption hub in the assistants, if it can't do self-consumption?
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