
bbsuper250 avatar image
bbsuper250 asked

Only 1 of 4 MPPT's charging

I have four MPPTs on a brand new boat installed at the factory, all 4 show PV voltage but only one has output wattage, all four or 48 V and hooked in parallel and run through and the cervo GX

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @bbsuper250

The most common reason is that the battery is at the target voltage, and only one MPPT is necessary to keep it there.

A good way to test this is if you turn on large loads, as many as possible, you should see production start from the other MPPTs as the battery voltage drops.

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snoobler avatar image snoobler commented ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) Quick related Q on the RS 450 units: Do their individual MPPT trackers sync like separate MPPT in a VE.CAN or VE.SMART network, or are they independent?

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ snoobler commented ·

Hi @snoobler,

The multiple tracker RS units have power balancing, so we try to divide the power between them.

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bbsuper250 avatar image bbsuper250 snoobler commented ·

Thank you Guy for the answer… I will check the target voltage but the SOC is only 48% and all 4 MPPTs show they are in bulk… that is why I didn’t think to check the voltage settings


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nickdb avatar image nickdb bbsuper250 commented ·
How are you measuring SOC? Is it from a managed battery BMS or a shunt?

(SOC can be incorrect, especially on a new system)

The next thing to check is the battery voltage and compare that to the PV voltage on the MPPT, it needs to be 5V higher to start the MPPT.

Connecting to the MPPTs via bluetooth and victron connect app will also show you performance data and any errors.

Your system is reporting an error in notifications, may be worth seeing what it is.

Your installer should have thoroughly tested all this for you.

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bbsuper250 avatar image bbsuper250 commented ·

Thank you Guy for the answer… I will check the target voltage but the SOC is only 48% and all 4 MPPTs show they are in bulk… that is why I didn’t think to check the voltage settings

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bbsuper250 avatar image
bbsuper250 answered ·

There are no faults or errors showing and the PV voltage is almost double the battery voltage… When I get back to the boat, I plan on looking at the target voltage and turning off the working MPPT to see if one of the others steps up

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