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malawi asked

VE.Bus System - Alarm Overload L1

We are running a Victron Energy MultiPlus 48/5000/70‐100 (5000VA) and 2x MPPT‐Solarladeregler Victron Energy BlueSolar MPPT 150/85 (total 170A/2x4850Wp). The system was running fine for more than half a year. Suddenly, one of the fuses in the power switches failed. We replaced the faulty ones but now the system produces continously the error message: "VE.Bus System - Alarm Overload L1". The red light "overlaod" is continously on, nothing else.

We switched of the AC-Out fuse but the error still persists. Any idea what can be wrong or what kind of measure can help to get rid of the alarm?

Thanks, Bernd

inverter current draw
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There could be a fault in the wiring. Try disconnecting all AC connections to the MultiPlus at the terminals. Confirm DC battery voltage at the connections to the MultiPlus and restart the unit to see if it powers on.

If it does not power on with only the batteries connected, there may be a fault with the unit itself.

You should then connect your installer, or if they are unavailable fill in this form -

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malawi answered ·

Hi Guy Stewart

Many thanks for advices. I will advice my colleages in Malawi to test the behaviour of the Inverter. Will come back with the results soon.

Thanks, Bernd

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