
johnjaymack avatar image
johnjaymack asked

Guimods External Transfer Switch was working and now does Not

Back in January, I followed instructions and successfully installed GuiMods. I used Digital Input #1 to determine whether I was using Shore Power/Grid or using the Generator. On Shore Power/Grid, my AC Input Current Limits page showed up and works. When I turned on the Generator, the ExternalTransferSwitch function changed to Generator and the AC Input Current Limit Page changed to the Generator Limit. This worked quite well throughout January.

This Spring, I installed Venus OS Large and have been looking at adding some additional functionality. Today, during a periodic Generator run, I noticed that the AC Input Page does not change to Generator. After checking all connections I found that the Cerbo GX Input is still signaling that the Generator is running, but the AC Input Page for the Generator does not appear.

So my question to those more knowledgeable is whether GuiMods is incompatible with Venus OS Large? Are there some changes that I need to make to get both to work? Should I Uninstall one or both packages and then re-install in a particular order?

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6 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

What version os are you on? I am using both guimods and exttransferswitch and it is functioning properly for me. There have recently been a few updates to them however and I had to reboot the cerbo for the transfer switch mod to function properly again.

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johnjaymack avatar image
johnjaymack answered ·

I am using Firmware Version v2.93. I am also using Image Large.

SetupHelper v4.42, GuiMods v7.68, ShutdownMonitor v2.5, and ExtTransferSwitch v2.16.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Should be fixed now (ExtTransferSwitch v2.17).

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
BTW, for faster response, please post issues to the related GitHub repo's issues section. I get notifications of those posts but often miss a post here in the Victron community forum.

Another way to get my attention is to add me "@Kevin Windrem" in the posting here.

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johnjaymack avatar image
johnjaymack answered ·

Today is a travel day. I will try later today or tomorrow and report back. Thank you @Kevin Windrem.

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johnjaymack avatar image
johnjaymack answered ·

@Kevin Windrem, I need another suggestion. My newe versions are as follows:SetupHelper v4.42, GuiMods v7.68, ShutdownMonitor v2.5, and ExtTransferSwitch v2.17. Notice that ExtTransferSwitch shows v2.17.

I am using digital input #1 set to ExtTransferSwitch. When I put a signal on that input, the display changes from On Grid to On Generator. But the AC Input panel does not change. I used to get a separate input limit panel when I go on Generator, but not now. Any suggestions are appreciated.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
Have you tried rebooting the cerbo? Also, when the digital input is on "generator" go to settings/system setup/acinput1 and change the input type to "generator". Force the digital input back to grid/shore and see if the input tile changes back to grid/shore.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

I will need to see the logs to help further.

If you have ssh access:

tail -50 /data/log/ExtTransferSwitch/current | tai64nlocal

If not, insert a USB flash drive in the GX device, go to PackageManager and do a Backup settings, logos, logs.

Eject the flash drive and put it in your computer.

You'll find a file in the root of the flash drive.

Post either the log file or the file on the ExtTransferSwitch issues space.

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johnjaymack avatar image
johnjaymack answered ·

I have rebooted the Cerbo with no success. I have tried forcing the Digital Input back and forth with no observable changes. I have moved this over to the ExtTransferSwitch area as per the request of Kevin.

The search goes on. Thanks for the suggestions.


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