
trevan avatar image
trevan asked

RPI4 Venus 3.0 Stuck in Console?

Hi All,

Probably a very dumb question, but I cannot figure out how to get my RPI 4B 4Gig running Venus 3.0 out of the root terminal. It is connected via DSI to the official 7in touchscreen. I can connect to the system over LAN and can view and edit all settings over the remote console. I just now need it to show the Venus GUI and not the terminal line. Hopefully this is an easy question to answer for the experienced folks out there.


Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
@TREVAN moved to modifications.
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1 Answer
trevan avatar image
trevan answered ·

Youtube to the rescue after a few hours of searching. Needed GuiMods and the rpidisplaysetup scripts to get the GUI up and running. For anyone else with this issue here is the easiest way to get it working

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
You don't need GuiMods (but it's good to have anyway), but do need some support to get a local GUI running which RpiDisplaySetup provides.

The default for Venus on RPI is for the local GUI to be turned off ("headless"). removing /etc/venus/headless and rebooting will enable the local GUI.

You also need to set up the display parameters in /u-boot/config.txt

Again, RpiDisplaySetup handles these.

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