
xsilvergs avatar image
xsilvergs asked

Audio Speaker

Is it possible to use the 3.5mm audio jack on the RPi to output audio?

I use the large image and wish to output an audio warning using Node-Red.

If anyone has has a suggestion I'd much appreciate their ideas.

Raspberry Pi
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4 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The audio jack on RPIs is headphone level so you may need a power amplifier to feed a passive speaker, or powered speaker like you'd plug into your computer's sound card.

As far as if Venus OS keeps this output active, I don't know. Worth a try though.

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xsilvergs avatar image
xsilvergs answered ·

@Kevin Windrem Thanks for reply, I have tried headphones but there was no audio output. I'll give it more thought.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You can to hook a beeper to the output assigned to Venus OS relay 1 and set that to alarm. This won't catch alerts you create in Node-Red but if you have access to another relay output you may be able to access that from Node-Red.

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xsilvergs avatar image
xsilvergs answered ·

@Kevin Windrem

I had considered attaching a piezo sounder to one one of the gpio pins using your RpiSetup for additional relay pins and driving it using Node-Red. I really fancied speech type warnings so we (wife) knows what the warning is for.

Thanks again for your suggestions.

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