
emmett avatar image
emmett asked

2 x Victron Energy Blue Smart IP22 30 amp Chargers ?

Hi All

I currently have a 230amp lithium battery, I have connected a Victron Energy Blue Smart IP22 Charger - 12v 30A (Bluetooth), single output

Can I add another one to charge the battery at 60 amp ?

Will the two chargers interfere with each other ? would they both run the same stage at the same time ? or would they possibly see a higher voltage from each other and one go into float in stead of bulk charge mode ?

Any advice would be great


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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Yes you can.

Yes they will interfere with each other in a way. They will influence each other. They should have solid connections with suitable gauge wire, and they should be programmed the same.

The only time you will get 60A is when the battery is below absorption voltage. Once you hit absorption voltage, current will decrease, and it's common for one to drop to float while the other finishes the charge.

The ONLY time you can charge at max current in ANY case is when you're in the bulk phase. Note that it's very common to have multiple chargers active at a time, and this is no different.

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