
osbmat002 avatar image
osbmat002 asked

Total Available Power from PV?

What API endpoint (attributeID or Instance) will give me info about the maximum power available from my PV panels? For example, I can see that they are currently only generating say 300w because that is the current AC demand, but if I turn the oven on it will spike to like 6000w. So clearly I had 6000w of solar available to draw from my panels but the API was only reporting 300w because that was the AC demand. So what endpoint will give me the 6000w value, i.e. total available solar to draw?

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You’d need an irradiance sensor (expensive but a few are supported). The system does not know what is available vs what is only being used.

You can use some forecast data with varying amounts of accuracy.

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osbmat002 avatar image osbmat002 commented ·

What would you recommend then in my situation: if I have excess capacity I want to turn on my pool pump. But if I don't have enough solar then the pump should remain off. Any suggestions on what logic would allow me to accomplish that?

I was thinking maybe one could test it by turning the pool pump on and if the system starts drawing AC then I know there is not enough solar available so I turn it off and wait an hour and test again? Seems inefficient, but let me know if you have any ideas?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ osbmat002 commented ·
I would suggest that you have a look in the modifications section for dirk’s nodered flow which may help you create some automation via nodered.

It has proved quite useful for similar usecases but requires some technical know how.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Simplest way (without editing scripts) is a relay that drives a contactor based on SOC and have a small hysteresis on it like 2%. Then have a mechanical or other timer on it as well so the pool pump will run only run in peak solar hours.

The thing about basing it on solar (or forecasting) is it requires a load for the solar production to be there to base an action on.

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