
joshestes avatar image
joshestes asked

Inverter not charging at full rate

I've got a 24/3000/70. My charger is set to draw 15amps from the wall outlet. It's a 20amp circuit. I swear I used to see over 1000watts coming in on "AC IN 1" but now I'm only seeing about 600. It goes up and down if I increase or decrease the charge current, but shouldn't I be getting more wattage from 15amps while charging??

I am using Lithium batteries, I disabled "weak ac input"

EDIT: The charge rate only increases when the load increases. What's up with that?

inverter current draw
2 |3000

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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

If incoming power is dirty there will be additional losses. Also if "weak ac input" is enabled that will result in a pretty heavy hit in efficiency.

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joshestes avatar image joshestes commented ·

Thanks, I disabled weak ac input, no change. The power is clean, it's on my house. When the AC came on, the charge rate increased to what I expect. What's up with that?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

If the batteries are fully charged, and there are no DC loads, the charger will reduce its output since there is no where for the energy to go. Switching the inverter/charger off then on will briefly result in the bulk charge current until the battery absorption voltage is reached.

2 |3000

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joshestes avatar image joshestes commented ·
Interesting. The batteries are around 30% so I want the charger to pull it's maximum current limit of 15a from the wall. I can only achieve that if the AC is on. Can I not force it to charge at 15a regardless of the load?
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem joshestes commented ·
What is the bulk charging current set to?
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Kevin Windrem commented ·
Ans what exactly are you adjusting when you say you are increasing and decreasing charge current?
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joshestes avatar image joshestes Alexandra ♦ commented ·
In the app it's called "AC input 1 current limit"

It adjusts how many amps can be pulled from shore power. I can put it up to 30 if I'm using the 30 amp plug, but I've got it adapted to a regular household outlet which in my case is 20A and I set the limit to 15A as to not trip the breaker.

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joshestes avatar image joshestes Kevin Windrem commented ·

WIth AC OUT at 75W and AC IN 1 at 450W now.

As soon as the AC kicks on, AC IN jumps up to around 1600 watts. I wish it would stay at that rate regardless of the load.

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