
dvalin avatar image
dvalin asked

What is the RPi minimum RAM requirement for VenusOS?

I've ordered a RPi 3B+ with 500 MB RAM, as that was all that I found that evening.

My google-foo doesn't find the VenusOS minimum requirement, and the RPi space here doesn't have so simple a question. In the event that 500 MB proves inadequate, it's worth knowing what's required. The microSD card coming with the SBC is 16 GB, so that'll do. But how much is loaded to RAM at runtime, is the question.

Raspberry Pi
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The venus os even the newer versions run on the CCGX that has 256mb ram.

Obviously not running node red.

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dvalin avatar image dvalin commented ·

Many thanks for the answers.

I'm much more comfortable with scripting than GUIs, so am unlikely to venture into the maze of Node Red. (30+ yrs of HPUX, Solaris, and Linux.) Any tweaking that can be done in user space ought to be quite manageable, given a little study.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

My RPI 4 shows 328 MB of ram in use.

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