
boaty-boy avatar image
boaty-boy asked

Multiplus 12/1600/70 Smell

Hi All,

Thanks for the great response to my first-ever question on the forum it has really helped (thanks Derick)

My NEXT question is since having it switched to the on position I have noticed a smell coming from the inverter.

It's not a burning smell, there is no smoke and none of the cabling to or from the inverter is hot nor is the inverter particularly warm.

There is nothing untoward with the battery bank in the engine bay.

When in 'Charge mode' I have not noticed this smell before and when I have had the inverter on with NO shore power there is no smell.

There are no 'Alarm' lights that have happened and the unit is working as it should.

So just wondering if this is something anyone has experienced and can shed some light on at all?


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1 Answer
gocfella avatar image
gocfella answered ·

Yes I get this same smell also. I think you just have to live with it and possibly it will decrease in time. Not a burning smell just some volatile compounds being emitted when it gets up to operating temperature especially noticeable when charging. I think some people can detect this better than others (increased sensitivity). Others mention this from time to time but most people say they can't detect it and start off understandably assuming it is from an overheating situation. I think it is just the normal properties of some of the material used in the unit. Mine is very fresh so I hope it will decrease over time.

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