
pierbiag avatar image
pierbiag asked

Wrong Device Type in sections of VRM and Remote Console - Charger possibly not working

Please help! I'm desperate!

My Multiplus compact 12/2000 was replaced by my dealer because of a hardware issue. It looks like the new device is correctly considered as a multiplus in device list, but not recognized as a multiplus in the remote console and in parts of the VRM, but as a Phoenix Compact Inverter. It's a remote installation so I have limited access to it. The VEConfig file is also opened as a Phoenix.

The charger and pass-through functions also don't work, but I can't physically go and measure voltages.




The device is definitely a Multiplus from the front panel. Below is the serial number if it helps:


Thank you in advance!


P.S. I've already rebooted the Cerbo and asked people on site to switch the Multiplus off and on

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
1687438061366.png (61.7 KiB)
1687438161427.png (94.4 KiB)
1687438211453.png (81.9 KiB)
1687438601970.png (80.9 KiB)
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pierbiag avatar image pierbiag commented ·

Update 1: I've updated to the latest firmware and this did NOT solve the issue

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Pierbiag,

The best thing to do is get back in touch with the service centre that repaired/replaced your warrantied unit.

I think what might have happened is that there are some circuit board parts that are commonly shared between models, and then can be 'upgraded' via a firmware upgrade if the rest of the hardware is in place.

Edit - note this is different to a firmware update, and will most likely involve some additional advice from Victron via the service agent

It is only a guess that fits what you describe, and regardless the thing to do is get back in touch with your service dealer with your report.

Sorry about the inconvenience - it MAY be possible to remedy without returning the unit if you have an MK3-USB - but must be done in concert with them.

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pierbiag avatar image pierbiag commented ·
Thanks Guy, I've given a call to my dealer who will give it a look and refer it to support. I've given him the link to this thread so they can access the attachments
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