
juan avatar image
juan asked

Error #67 on MPPT (BMS connection lost)

How can I reset MPPT 250/70 ??? I have an error message Nr. 0067. Thank you.

MPPT Controllers
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Anold Pande avatar image Anold Pande commented ·

Well if monitoring of the installed battery is not detriment disconnecting the comms cable from the lithium battery to gx and then resetting the settings in your mppt will keep the error away ....except in systems with byd batteries its a different story .

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Onwell Dzobo avatar image Onwell Dzobo Anold Pande commented ·
I am experiencing this Error #67 on a system i recently upgraded. 5kva multi , 6*400w panels , 2 by 4.8kw Bluenova rackpower batteries. The system has been running smoothly for 2 months now and just recently is when the error started popping up. Does it become a special case with Bluenova batteries? Is there a fix unique to Bluenova batteries?
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17 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Juan

You can read information on error code's here:

You don't describe your system, if it has a battery with a bms, error 67 is shown when the bms is not present. to protect the batteries the MPPT won't charge when the bms is not seen.

If you don't have a bms, you can reset the unit as described in the document.

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pesi avatar image
pesi answered ·

I keep getting the same error (Error #67 BMS connection lost) for no apparent reason. I have a SmartSolar, CerboGX and a block with Pylontech batteries in my system. If I turn off the power to the Cerbo for a few seconds, everything works again afterwards. The system can run several days without the error or get the error 2-3 times a day. Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this and how I can better reset the error?

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robertsendrea avatar image robertsendrea commented ·

I have the same random error - can someone from Victron look into this issue?

It looks like there is a bug in CerboGX software. Hard reset on CerboGX fixed it for me too. But what if I’m on holiday and not sleeping next to the devices?

Very annoying issue as the inverter disconnects solar array and all loads

(Error #67 BMS connection lost)

My installation:

- 7 Pylontech us3000c in parallel

- 1 inverter rs smart solar 48/6000 MPPT 450/80 (firware v1.11)

- 1 CerboGX (firmware 2.93)

- 1 Victron VE can cable connecting CerboGX to master battery

- 1 black cable connecting the inverter to CerboGX

- 4 KW solar array (approx 220V/18Amp)

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ilpowerdevision avatar image
ilpowerdevision answered ·

I also getting the same error (Error #67 BMS connection lost) for no apparent reason.

It looks like there is a bug in CerboGX (v1.94) or MPPT 150/35 (v.1.61) software. Hard reset or soft reset on CerboGX fixed it for me too (for a short time).
- 2x Pylontech us5000c
- 1x Cerbo GX (v2.94)
- 2x BlueSolar Charger MPPT 100/20 48V (v1.61)
- 2x BlueSolar Charger MPPT 150/35 rev3 (v1.61)

It is possible to downgrade to older versions on a test basis? (only current versions)

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Just boot the backup version on the GX. Clearly documented in the doc and in the firmware menu on the GX

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ilpowerdevision avatar image ilpowerdevision nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

done: Cerbo GX v2.94 -> v2.93

open point 1) How to downgrade Cerbo GX to an even older version?
open point 2) How to downgrade BlueSolar Charger MPPT from v1.61 to an older version?

Background: same error (Error #67 BMS connection lost) for no apparent reason.

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motylu avatar image
motylu answered ·


until now (more than 1 year of running) I don't have any problem with my PV system. During last year I didn't make any changes in installation (3 Multis, 3 MPPTs, Cerbo GX and 4 Pylontech US3000C batteries), only continuously upgrading FW in the Cerbo and MPPTs to the latest versions (Multis are on original FW v490). But now with Cerbo FW 2.94 I have same issue with this error code out of nowhere...

Because I did not make any changes in installation, this issue must be connected with Cerbo FW.

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

on the cerbo under fw roll your cerbo back to the older fw version.

just keep in mind, that min and max cell voltages can also have effects, as per motylu's comments

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ilpowerdevision avatar image
ilpowerdevision answered ·

The only solution is to constantly restart the CerboGx. Please help (need old Software for MPPT and CerboGX for check an probably solve)..

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motylu avatar image motylu commented ·
In my case, it is not so bad. Error doesn't appear on daily basis. I have already made several installations, and some of them have latest FW in Multis (v502), latest FW in MPPTs (v3.13 or v1.61) but not the latest FW in Cerbo. Most of them have v2.92, two of them have v2.93, but these errors appears only in my installation with v2.94, so in my opinion (without depper investigation of the problem or knowledge of FW changes) the problem is in FW Cerbo v2.94 and maybe only in connection with Pylontech batteries, which were quite problematic in the last year regarding the changes in BMS and problems with "high voltage" and "internal" errors due to high difference between min. and max. cell voltages during charging...
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motylu avatar image motylu motylu commented ·
After some research I found that the problem is connected with unexpected restarts of the Cerbo. So definitely there must be problem in FW of Cerbo...
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motylu avatar image
motylu answered ·

Today the problem appears again (three times), but not only BMS lost error - DC bus low voltage error was also indicated. Low voltage error was indicated probably due to voltage drop during short-term shutdown of all MPPTs, because at the same time EV was charging and other loads were in operation. Everytime errors were indicated (and also MPPTs were shutdown) due to unexpected restart of the Cerbo, and of course there are no saved data on SD card or VRM during these restarts...

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motylu avatar image
motylu answered ·

Maybe the Cerbo itself is faulty, because from all installations I made, two installations have also FW 2.94 and running without any problem. For testing I downgrade to FW 2.92 so we will see...

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motylu avatar image motylu commented ·
I sent the Cerbo to analyse and repair to my Victron distributor, because now I am running my installation with another Cerbo for 5 days without any problem (without any unexpected Cerbo restarts). So definitely there is problem inside my Cerbo (faulty watchdog or something else?)...
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ascherff avatar image
ascherff answered ·


my system ran for about 2 weeks without any problems. Error #67 has been increasing for me for 3 days. A hard reset of the Cerbos solves the problem in the short term.

My installation:

Cerbo GX FW v3.00
SmartSolar MPPT RS 450/200 v1.11
3 x MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 v5.02
Pylontech Force L1 222Ah

Was downgrading Cerbo to 2.94 - same Problem.

It seems error comes up if Battery is 100% and MPPT is still brings power.

ESS ist installed.

What can i do? Any idea?

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motylu avatar image motylu commented ·

Hello @AScherff ,

you describe similar problem like mine. Check, if the error is not indicated after unexpected Cerbo restart. This was my problem, first restarts occured once every few days, then occured several times a day. Problem was the Cerbo, now I have new one and running without problems...

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ascherff avatar image
ascherff answered ·

Hi motylu,

thanks for the reply. I also think it is a hardware problem. A friend of mine has the same hardware with the same firmware releases. The system is running for the same time. There is at the moment absolutly no error.

i will check the last boot or start in the device list when next time error appears.

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joshix avatar image joshix commented ·

is the MPPT on same ground (PE Screw) as GX Device?

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ascherff avatar image
ascherff answered ·


No error #67 today. Although today the battery was full and there was a lot of PV yield.I suspect a thermal issue with the Cerbo. Yesterday I installed a temperature sensor from a MultiPlus on the Cerbo. I provided more ventilation in the installation room, which was not the case on the days when the error occurred. The temperature at the Cerbo briefly peaked at 38°C.Will keep watching

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stevo102 avatar image stevo102 commented ·
Hi, I have same problem. I have error #67 more times per day. For example 14.6.2023 more than 10 times, 19.6.2023 2 times. I think this is not a thermal issue, because I placed Victron GX on battery where temperature is more than in the room. I have verry small room for installation. This 67 issue is random and I dont see problem with installation or another problem.
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h8mecz avatar image
h8mecz answered ·

guys, any progress in this issue? I am struggling on the new installation on my house with the same issue NO BMS ERROR 67 - randomly popped up. Restart of Cerbo helps for a while. The latest firmwares are on all devices.

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towatai avatar image
towatai answered ·

is your bluetooth ve-smart networking activeand your mppt integrated there or even the master? I have for some time sporadically similar problems and have my system several times completely torn apart and completely rebuilt from scratch and set. for a few days I have the networking times deactivated and so far no "error 67" from my two MPPTs and / or the smart shunt.

this problem seems to have quite a few people if you read through this and other forums.

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h8mecz avatar image
h8mecz answered ·

I have a feedback from my side what helped meband now I run without any issues - dont ask me why but for me - the data bus terminator (this victron RJ45 plug with resistor or something in it) helped - I used it in second socket of BMS-Can RJ45 socket. My friend who installed my Victron told me he never use this terminator and all installations form him are without any problems ....

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·
All Can bus systems must have a resistor at the start of the can bus back bone and at the end of the can bus back bone
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Paul B commented ·

@Paul B is correct. Part of the standard. Sometimes they work without one, sometimes the quipment has the resistor built in. As the Victron CAN bus connections are designed for daisy chaining, there's no terminating resistor inside, but external ones are supplied.

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newboerg avatar image
newboerg answered ·

Hey, any new development on this? i'm plagued by that Error #67 once a Week for 6 Weeks now. Reboot of Cerbo fixes it for about a Week or so.

CAN-Terminator is in second BMS socket. And it worked flawless for 8 Months before.

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newboerg avatar image newboerg commented ·

I found a solution for my specific Problem.

i had a python script running to connect an openDTU via DBUS.

That script spammed a Logfile so that all disk space was taken up.

As it seems Error67 Triggers too when there is no more Free Disk Space.

I Hope it helps some of you.

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joshix avatar image
joshix answered ·

Hello - I also had this issue - sporadlc lost of connection - different USB, original Cable nothing helped.

My solution was to connect PE-Ground wire from MPPT to GX (Multiplus 2 in my case) - it is running stable since

It seems static low current dischange could build up and disturb communication.

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Stephen avatar image
Stephen answered ·

I just experienced the same issue out of the blue.

My system:

MultiPlus-II GX FW v3.13

MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-48 FW v492

SmartSolar MPPT FW v3.14

Dyness 4.8 kwh battery

Battery monitor FW v136.3

9 x 545w panels

Error reported as "Error code: #67 - No BMS".

After some trouble shooting the final solution was to switch the battery ethernet cable to the other BMS-Can jack on the inverter and after a system reset all worked fine.

My MultiPlus-II firmware is out of date however I am not confident of the update process. This part isn't clear "Next you’ll need to open the provided file in VE.Bus System Configurator by double clicking it. The settings will automatically be converted to the new firmware version; and a popup will show in case anything needs double checking. When finished, close the Configurator, it will prompt to store the file."

Can someone assist me as to how I perform this step? I am not aware of what the VE.Bus system configurator is or how I acces it. Or please point me to the relevant documentation?

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d4h-ottmar avatar image
d4h-ottmar answered ·


looks like you try to update the MP-II remote within VRM. Are you familiar with this process?

However, here's the link to documentation:

Caution: You have to read and understand first before starting the update!

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