
dakotaflyer avatar image
dakotaflyer asked

11.9 Volts, 99.9% SOC, and MultiPlus Inverter Shuts Down

With LiFePO4 batteries, when my batteries reach 11.9 volts, the Multiplus 3000 shuts down but the Victron Battery Monitor still reads 99.9%. My installer says not to worry. Does this sound like normal operation? THANK YOU.

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
janieronen avatar image
janieronen answered ·

Hi. If that is new installation and everything cabled and configured correctly your battery monitor will show correct figures after one full discharge-charge cycle. So don't worry if that is case. If not please provide more information about your system.

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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

11.9 volts is low for a full charge on a lithium battery. this should be closer to 14.2 - 14.4V depending on battery type. You will need to provide more details for a better diagnosis.

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