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freedom21tim asked

MPPT 100/15 outputting 15.7v

this setup is on a boat
I have 4x 40w panels in series connected to a 100/15 which in turn is connected to 2 190amp Varta lead acid batteries in parallel. The batteries are 6months old but I have had this setup running for 4 years with the previous 180amp batteries, same make/model. I have been seeing 15.7v and often over 3amps on the battery monitor. I have check the voltage at the batteries and they also say 15.7+/- .1

The Batteries are also connected to a Sterling 4 step mains powered charger when we are connected to shore power. Today we are connected to shore power and both the battery monitor and sterling charge seem to imply the batteries are fully charged, the only load is a fridge that draws approx 4.5amps and is running approx 5 minutes in every 30. Outside is sunny and no shade on the panels all day, temp 30c.

i have the green LEB blinking and yellow also blinking at same speed.

for the time being I’ve turned the panels away from the sun and turned the sterling off.

Any clues as to what maybe wrong. i don’t have a Bluetooth version or a dongle.

thanks in advance.

MPPT Controllers
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