
glennhoss avatar image
glennhoss asked

isolating of the electrics

I have finished the wiring on my van, as its my 1st conversion, Im just asking about the best thing to do when not in use. All working ok but is it best to leave it working while driving the van every day or is it best to isolate it all. the isolator for the solar would be a breaker after the victron smart solar, in which case how does it deal with the power from the solar panel when its not getting to the leasure battery. many thanks if someone can answer this and sorry if it is a stupid question

parallele batterien
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

You do not isolate solar power between the smart solar and the battery with tje solar panel connected. Read your manual. You always isolate/ disconnect the solar panel before the battery and when reconnecting connect the before the solar panel. As you have a Smart Solar controller if you just want to stop charging, connect using the VE Connect app and just turn the controller off.

Whilst I do not have a van, I have a boat with solar and we do not turn the solar off when motoring and the alternator is charging the batteries. To start with both alternator and solar charge, but as the battery voltage increases as it gets full the solar stops charging as the alternator has a higher voltage. They work together OK.

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