
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 asked

Anti vibration mounts?

Hi Folks,

I'm installing a victron multiplus in a utility room, and looking to try and do everything I can to minimise inverter noise from rooms on the other side of the utility room wall.

There is decent ventilation however it does get warm in the room in the summer and will be under decently large loads, so I expect the inverters will be making some noise.

Does anyone have any mounting recommendations/anti vibration mounts to help minimise the noise, particularly on the wall the inverters are mounts onto as it's shared with a room inside the house (on the other side of the wall).

My normal go to is just fireboard (fire rated plasterboard) on the wall then multiplus on top of that but wondered if there was anything additional that may help minimise vibrations/noise passing through to wall.

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1 Answer
oxy avatar image
oxy answered ·

This is getting into music studio construction territory :) To truly isolate noise, mass is your friend (blocks, concrete, etc.), but it cannot escape through other joints. It sounds like you want to make the whole common wall thicker (i.e make it a double wall), as mounting dampers (say, rubber) would only help with vibration, but not with humming sound leaking through.

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