
chakadawn avatar image
chakadawn asked

How to turn on/enable virtual load output

We have a brand new 5th wheel and are having issues with our system. When drycamping, batteries are not charging. We think it is because the virtual load output is set to off. When in the app, it doesn't allow us to turn it on. Any advice is greatly appreciated.screensho.jpg

MPPT SmartSolar
screensho.jpg (95.1 KiB)
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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Your screenshot shows you are charging at 1.7 amps. Virtual load output has nothing to do with battery charging. What size solar array do you have? How is it connected (size and length of cabling etc)?

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kai-fuchs avatar image
kai-fuchs answered ·

In the screenshot you are showing your MPPT is supplying 1,7A to run accessories or charge the battery.

Looks normal to me.

The load out put should have nothing to do with your battery charging or not. Please take a screenshot for the history tap to.

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