
lakeroe avatar image
lakeroe asked

Multiplus II: Unknown LED blink code


i recently noticed an unknown LED blink code on my Multiplus II.
I can't find it in the handbook nor in the Victron Toolkit.

The "mains on" led is flashing, and "bulk" and "inverter on" are both on (see video below).

Sorry for the rotated video ;-)
I can't see any error message or other unusual behaviour.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

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3 Answers
mryoshii avatar image
mryoshii answered ·

On my MP2 the mains LED blinks when power is being delivered to AC-IN
(ESS with EM24)
So maybe you are exporting to grid?

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lakeroe avatar image lakeroe commented ·

That might be the correct answer. I will try to confirm that behaviour the next days.

Would be great if somebody from Victron could confirm this as well, and if true, also update the "User Manual" and the "Victron Toolkit".

Best regards,


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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The mains flashing means waiting for mains. It is in the toolkit.

The lights not flashing have nothing to do with the light flashing.

Bulk light means it is bulk charging/bulk state.

Inverter light on means it is on and inverting.

A GX makes life easier.

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lakeroe avatar image lakeroe commented ·

I can't accept "The lights not flashing have nothing to do with the light flashing."

For example (from the "Victron Toolkit"):

"Mains on" is blinking

"Bulk", "Absorption" and "Inverter on" are on

This means: Feed-in with PV power - BatterySafe

If your statement would be true, this would also mean "Waiting for mains" ...

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ lakeroe commented ·


I meant in your case I don't think it is related or meant to be read as a whole code. Rather the lights are showing several states. Not meant to be read as one whole in this case.

Easy to verify, switch off main incoming breaker and switch it back on. Do you have an AC ignore system or an ESS system?

You don't verify with Mr yoshi that you might also have an EM24 either, so just a guess at the explanation without more information on your system.

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lakeroe avatar image
lakeroe answered ·


I can confirm your information.

On my MP2 the mains LED blinks if a certain amount of power (i think somewhere around 500 watts) is being delivered to AC-IN (200 watts is NOT enough).

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