
mwiazania avatar image
mwiazania asked

Victron Multiplus II Energy to Grid


How can I block sending excess energy to the Grid?

Anyone know the configuration?

ESS is installed.

Marcin W.

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1 Answer
marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·


Go to ESS selection in Remote Console.

Next go to "Grid feed in" selection.

Select "Limit system feed-in"

Set the limit to ZERO.


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andy156 avatar image andy156 commented ·

And deselect the feed in excess toggles.

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marekp avatar image marekp andy156 commented ·


I think, if you deselect "DC-coupled PV - feed in excess" MPPT charger will not supply the loads. It will only charge the battery.

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andy156 avatar image andy156 marekp commented ·
Ah,ok thanks. That might be handy for charging my car
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marekp avatar image marekp andy156 commented ·

Sorry I was wrong.

Just tested it and even if you deselect "DC-coupled PV - feed in excess" MPPT charger it will still supply loads. It will only not feed the grid.

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