
groovy avatar image
groovy asked

AC- DC -AC conversion with 2 multi-plus en 1 GX

Is it possible to connect 2 multiplus with 1 gx device to charge the battery with a multiplus and discharge it at the same time with another multiplus ? So I can transfer electricity from 1 grid to another grid. Can this be done with only one GX device ? When I want to charge , both devices charges now and with discharge both devices discharges in loadbalance when there are connected to each other with VEbus. Also I tried to just leave 1 multiplus with 1 GX device and 1 multiplus without gx just for charging but when I put the switch on 2 ( charger only ) it does not charge. How could this best be solved ?


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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi, one GX is not possible as far as i know... so connecting them with VE bus won't work either

i think the whole setup won't really work, the first multiplus (charger) is feeding the second multiplus directly (next to the battery it's suppose to charge...)

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