
dansonamission avatar image
dansonamission asked

NMEA Multiplus Switch Bank Status


Could some one please point us to a document that lists the Binary Switch Bank Status details about PGN 127501 for the VE.Bus products, specifically the Multiplus. Warnings and alarms.

This document gives an overview of the PGNs but no details on the data.

The document also mentions on page 8 that Switch Bank Instance 1 for LED states is not enabled by default and to see manual to enable it. Which manual would this be?

Many Thanks!

Multiplus-IINMEA 2000 - N2Kdocumentation
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·
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dansonamission avatar image
dansonamission answered ·

Great thanks! The second link was all we needed. Not sure how we couldn't find it, been looking for ages :)

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