
alw avatar image
alw asked

Vic Energy Temp Sensor for BMV 712

Hi all, in my van, I have a have a Vic SmartSolar 100V, 30A, 12V controller; a Vic OrionTR Smart DC-DC charger 30A, 360W (non-isolated); and a BMV 712 battery monitor. I have yet to buy a battery (it will be LiPO, 200AH) and am considering buying one with self-heating, as I expect doing some cold weather travel/camping. But I thought what is the point of self-heating if the temp sensor of the smart controller doesn't sense battery temp but instead senses its temp? The battery would self heat up when cold so it could accept charge but the controller wouldn't let it because the controller is not heated and senses its own temp. So I thought maybe the Temp Sensor for the BMV 712 would be the solution... it directly senses the temp of the battery and forwards it to the controller, which would use that directly measured battery temp instead of its sensed temp... right? Am I understanding things correctly here... would the Temp Sensor for the BMV be the solution?

Thanks in advance for your help!


BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Sensing the temperature of the battery is much more accurate than using the temperature inside the Charge Controller. What are your plans for the DC-DC charger?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

To add. The Orion is not going to recognise or be affected any temp signals.

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alw avatar image alw commented ·
Hi, thanks for the answer. My plans with the DC-DC charger are charging of the "leisure" battery (the one I'll put in the back of my van) from vehicle battery/alternator. Anything I need to be careful with there? My understanding is that the smart DC-DC charger will avoid any issues like damage to alternator, etc.
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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Yes you should be able to use the BMV temperature sensor and connect the BMV712 and SmartSolar via VE. Smart Networking to get the battery temperature and voltage to the MPPT. Make sure that you buy the correct temperature sensor as Victron sell several different ones.

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