
kaarthik avatar image
kaarthik asked

charge only position

what will do the inverter if i choose charge only mode in the physical switch which is in the inverter.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ยท

The inverter side will turn off and the batteries will be charged

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kaarthik avatar image
kaarthik answered ยท

so if i switch into this mode i cant get the output even grid is there??

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markus avatar image markus โ™ฆโ™ฆ commented ยท

Yes, you do, but the inverter will not engage


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dathai avatar image
dathai answered ยท

Hi Guys,


@Paul B

This seems like a reasonable post to ask this question.

If I have a victron multiplus 5000kVA 48V that has never been configured, (other than factory defaults), can I plug a generator into the AC side and use it in charger only mode to charge my 48V lead acid batteries. I need to give them a boost to prevent the self discharge getting too low (2V cells are currently at 1.95V after 18months of storage, this is down from 2.5V when new.

Alternatively I will need to remove & split into 2no 24V arrays & use a standard 24V battery charger to restore voltage.

thanks guys

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JohnC avatar image JohnC โ™ฆ commented ยท

Quick answer, yes you can do that.

Longer answer (for if you have troubles with maybe genny capacity issues or suchlike) is best asked for by starting your own thread. No disrespect, but that's the preferred method here, so as not to sully the other answers to the original poster.

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