
Duncan Hall avatar image
Duncan Hall asked

Ruvi sensor data gives inncorect parameters

I have a raspbery PI 3B running Venus 2.94.

My system has a series of Ruvi sensors one (the 3 in 1 version) measuring temperature and humidy which works OK. The other two are the waterproof ruvitag 2 in 1 models which give additional inappropriate outputs.

The system seems confused with these sometimes giving a variety of incorrect data which It does not measure. The 2 in 1 models just measure temperature and motion.

However as the dashboard on VRM shows readings are coming back for pressure and humidity on one and humidity on the other.

A screenshot below gives an example.

On the console the pressure is displayed but not the humidity for the freezer as shown.

The display on the console for the fridge is correct just showing the temperature.

Is there a way to fix this?



VRMRaspberry Piruuvi sensors
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