
quaioui avatar image
quaioui asked

The MPPT Control display

The unit was working as it should until now.

During the winter months, the camping car is attended to on about a monthly basis. Power on, started and engine run with road trip every third time.

This time when taking it from storage, the house battery was down to about 91% of capacity, as expected. When the sunshines, the campers internal unit shows that the unit is charging +ve current. The actual current a function of battery status and sun level.But the Voltage may vary from about 12.6V to as much as 14.7V. However, the The MPPT Control display has a readout that saying that it is disconnected. Both green and yellow LEDS ard now rapid flash in unison.

Questions are: -

1. What is disconnected? The display, the MPPT BLUESOLAR 75/15, The Battery, the Solar Panel???

2. I suspect that perhaps the battery is starting to fail, one cell. This due to voltage variation.

3. The unit was installed 4 years ago, and functioned and displayed correctly until now. But I note there is mention of firmware updates for both the MPPT Controller and the Display, could it be this.

Given that all was working before, there was no need to "fix" that which is not broken.

MPPT Controllers
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13 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

sound like the fw did not update properly, please do the fw update again, note your phone or computer must be connected to the internet to do this,

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Hi @Paul B

It is only necessary to be connected to the internet when performing a remote update via VRM. When you are locally connected (via a VE.Direct USB cable or via Bluetooth), there is no need to be connected to the internet as VictronConnect already contains all firmware.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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Paul B avatar image Paul B Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·
Stll worth being on the internet if posiable as you dont know when that victron connect app was last updated
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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ Paul B commented ·

Hi @Paul B

But VictronConnect will never fetch firmware from the internet by itself. And the app stores are responsible for updating it on phones/tablets/MacOS. Only on windows will it update itself. So yes... perhaps on a windows laptop it is better to be connected to the internet so you are sure that you have the latest version (and thus the latest released firmware), but on all other platforms, VictronConnect will not work anything different when connected to the internet or not.

I am sorry if I come over a bit strong, but I am trying to remove the misconception that one needs to be connected to the internet to be able to perform a firmware update to a local device.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @QuaiOui

You mention "Both green and yellow LEDS ard now rapid flash in unison", but are they alternating or flashing in unison indeed?

If they are alternating, it means that a firmware update was not finished and it is still waiting for a complete firmware. In this case, the MPPT control will also show "DISCONNECTED" as it is unable to get any information from the MPPT.

When they are flashing in unison, it would normally mean "Battery of PV over-voltage". In this case there is also something wrong with the connection between the MPPT and the MPPT Control.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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quaioui avatar image
quaioui answered ·

Thank you for you early response.

Both are flashing in unison. Not alternative.

As far as I am aware, the firmware is as supplied. I have no way to update it, and I've not requested it to be updated during any service.

Yesterday there was full sunshine, and upon arriving back the the Camper, both House and Start Battery were over voltage at 15.3V. The House Battery also showed 1.3A charge being supplied at it was at 100% capacity.

This information from the Schault System as OEM equipment. It ony shows Voltage for the Start Battery.

The Camper was also plugged into "Shore Power".

To protect the Batteries I disconnected the Solar Panel Negative, the the Battery negative. The battery negative to power down the unit for overnight, with the intent to restart the unit, and see if that made any difference. The control panel is still powered, so it appeares to have its own supply, rather than by the connection cable.

I would conclude from the battery overvoltage, the MPPT Unit is faulty.

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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @QuaiOui

You say "The Camper was also plugged into "Shore Power".". Is that system also able to charge the battery or is only the MPPT cable of doing that? If only the MPPT is able to charge the battery then it seems that is indeed faulty.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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quaioui avatar image
quaioui answered ·

Thank you Thiemo for your response.

From recall, both charge the battery.

I've tried to reconnect without shore power and with shore power with the same result.

I shall order a replacement unit with Bluetooth and a replacement cable.

The question, is there any known cause for failure. The Camper was last used in October 2022, and has been in storage, with the Engine being started and run about once a month. While in storage, the power is off at thd Schauldt Control Panel. The Solar Panel has limited sunlight. The original installation was with a PWM unit, but I asked this be changed out for the Victron BlueSolar MPPT unit complete with Control Display. That has been in service about four years and with a similar regime. In use ALL summer (around 5 months), and in storage ALL winter with an outing about once or twice during the storage period and otherwise the motor run one time a month.

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quaioui avatar image
quaioui answered ·

Good morning Thiemo,

I've installed a new BlueSolar Smart unit. This has been set up to meet the requirements of the installed battery. It is working well. As is the App for Bluetooth interrogation.

I also purchased a new cable. This incase the existing cable was at fault. The MPPT Control Panel BMV-700 when connected using the existing cable still showed disconnected. I dismounted it from the panel and tried the new cable, with the same result.

I then tried disconnecting it completely, both the RJ12 Cable and the power cable. Then reconnecting, first the power cable then the RJ12. This shows two wee communication arrows and scrolls CONNECTING. But it remains like this. I also tried with a complete power down again and only the RJ12 Cable. This gives the same result.

I've looked through all the documentation I can find, but nothing that I can see that tells me what is wrong, or what to do. Can you kindly advise please.

Kind regards,

Duncan Gatland

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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @QuaiOui

Well.. Then is seems as the MPPT Control is (also) faulty.

By the way: The grey power cable between the MPPT Control and the battery is not necessary when it is connected to a SmartSolar MPPT. The grey cable is only necessary when the MPPT turns off when there is no PV and that is not the case for any SmartSolar. Only the VE.Direct cable needs to be connected between the SmartSolar and the MPPT Control.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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quaioui avatar image
quaioui answered ·

Dear Thiemo,

I have replace all the system components.

- Bluesolar mppt 75/15 with Smartsolar charge contoller mppt 75/15

- BMV700 with a new BMV700

- VE.Direct Cable replaced with a new VE.Direct Cable 1,8m.

When connected, I still get "Connecting" readout, just as before.

I'm at a loss as to what else I might do to get this operational again.

The original setup functioned without fault for four years.

I watched this video: -

From your earlier comment about not needing the RJ12 cable plugged in to power the unit, and no shunt being provided with the BMV 700, I would assume tis video is no relevant.

Looking forward to your input.

Kind regards,

Duncan Gatland

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Hi @QuaiOui

So from previous post it was not completely clear that you also have a BMV700. The BMV700 does need the RJ12 cable to a shunt.

The MPPT control does not need the RJ12 cable that came with the MPPT control for the MPPTs that you have. The MPPT control only needs a VE.Direct cable to the BlueSolar/SmartSolar. When you also have an RJ12 connected to the MPPT control, please disconnect that from the MPPT control.

Just to get things clear a few questions:

  1. The problem is now that the MPPT Control is showing "CONNECTING"?
  2. Have you also replaced the MPPT control?
  3. Do you have only 1 MPPT Control?
  4. How many MPPTs are now connected in the system?
  5. To which MPPT is the MPPT Control connected, the Bluesolar or the SmartSolar?
  6. Have you also tried connecting it to the other MPPT and what does it show then?

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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quaioui avatar image
quaioui answered ·

Or is the BMV 700 a mismatch with the Smartsolar charger, and the replacement should have been a BMV 712, the Bluetooth model?

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Hi @QuaiOui

There is no problem in combining a BMV700 with a SmartSolar.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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quaioui avatar image
quaioui answered ·

So the question why does it always remain as "Connecting"? But does not proceed to being connected?

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quaioui avatar image
quaioui answered ·

A screen shot of updated contoller


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quaioui avatar image
quaioui answered ·

This is the old unit. The new one shows the Serial Number. I've tried both with V1.03 firmware. Same result for both. Both with the two cables. Same result.

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Hi @QuaiOui

Some questions just to get everything clear:

  1. You have 2 MPPT Controls?
  2. What is the serial number of the other MPPT Control?
  3. They both do not work with the BlueSolar because they keep showing "CONNECTING"?
  4. Do the MPPT Controls work when they are connected to the SmartSolar?
  5. You have an official VE.Direct cable between the BlueSolar and the MPPT Control and only the VE.Direct cable (and no other home made splitter things or something like that)?
  6. You just temporarily connected the VE.Direct Smart dongle to the MPPT Control to readout / update the firmware?
  7. Do you have the battery cable with the RJ12 that came with the MPPT Control also connected to the MPPT Control? (To be clear, you should not do this for this MPPT)
  8. What is the serial number of the BlueSolar?
  9. You also have a BMV700 in the system? (just so I know the complete system. The BMV700 has no influence on the MPPT Control).

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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quaioui avatar image
quaioui answered ·

Thank you for your reply Thiemo,

I have copied your questions and responded in italics

  1. You have 2 MPPT Controls?

Yes, one old and one new

  1. What is the serial number of the other MPPT Control?

Old SN: HQ1638L79Q

New SN: HQ20255YZGF

  1. They both do not work with the BlueSolar because they keep showing "CONNECTING"?

Only the Old unit was connected with the Bluesolar

  1. Do the MPPT Controls work when they are connected to the SmartSolar?

No, both read "connecting", as supplied V1.01 and with updated V1.03 firmware

  1. You have an official VE.Direct cable between the BlueSolar and the MPPT Control and only the VE.Direct cable (and no other home made splitter things or something like that)?

Yes, both cables are Victron original. The old confirmed with Victron logo both ends. The new purchased and packaged as Victron and with logos

  1. You just temporarily connected the VE.Direct Smart dongle to the MPPT Control to readout / update the firmware?

Yes, along with RJ12 connection for 12 V supply for a power source.

  1. Do you have the battery cable with the RJ12 that came with the MPPT Control also connected to the MPPT Control? (To be clear, you should not do this for this MPPT)

Yes, this was installed as part of the original installation. As above, I've used it to power the units. But as per your earlier advice it has not been connected to the unit for use.

  1. What is the serial number of the BlueSolar?

I don't have this unit with me. I left it at my daughters house. She is away for two weeks. I can provide upon her return if necessary.

  1. You also have a BMV700 in the system? (just so I know the complete system. The BMV700 has no influence on the MPPT Control).

Yes, there is one unit in the system.

So the current system is one Solar Panel, one Smartsolar Charger, one BMV700 MPPT Control.

This is connected to the AGM Varta LA95 Professional Battery. On a reasonable day it brings the battery to 100% according to the Schauldt unit.

For the sake of good order, the original failure occurred when the Camling Car was not in use. During the Winter it is in covered storage, and a trustworth family member who has had camping cars for about 40 years attends to it once a month. He runs tge engine to keep all system working, and then it is connected to the Mains for three days to bring the batteries to full charge.

ON system extension.

I intend to install a Phoenix 12/375 into the system as well. To protect the battery, I thought to connect the load controller to the remote all as per the details on page 7 of the SmartSolar charge controller manual. I assume that this single cable is from the +ve terminal of the "Load" connection? With the circuit being completed via -ve cables on the units.

Kind regards,

Duncan Gatland

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Hi @QuaiOui

What happens when you connect the VE.Direct Smart dongle to the BlueSolar/SmartSolar? Can you then connect with VictronConnect (The SmartSolar should show up twice, make sure to connect via the external dongle) and see all the values (including history)? If so, can you please create a service report (see and attach there here to an answer/reply?

Regarding the Phoenix inverter and the load: yes, the load+ is connected to the remote input of the Phoenix Inverter and the battery - connection completes the circuit indeed.


Thiemo van Engelen

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