
logic28 avatar image
logic28 asked

MPPT 250/100 versions

I've noticed that I have ordered by mistake the MPPT 250/100 MC4 Ve can instead of the 250/100-TR VE Can which would have been more convenient for cable arrangement since I combine 4 strings before entering the MPPT, however, could I still use this model ?

I have 3 strings from the ground mount system coming to the combiner box + 1 string from the solar shed roof, all with identical PV Modules and each string provides 10A at 200/230 v.

Any help is appreciated



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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Logic28

You can still use it. Just bear in mind that MC4 connectors are rated to 30A, so ideally you'd run 2 wire pairs through them. They just join together again within the mppt.

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logic28 avatar image logic28 commented ·
Thank you for confirming, that is what I was going to do before I realised that the Tr version was available too. Yes, I am aware of the input limitation so I was planning to combine two strings at the time in the box and send each output to the Mppt leaving me with one spare input should I need it. Shame though as it's going to make the power wall more untidy.

Thanks again

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logic28 avatar image logic28 commented ·
My only concern is the impossibility to fit a 10mm2 into an MC4 connector so I would have to downsize to 6mm for every two strings when in fact each of my strings is using a 10mm2 for the length of 25 M from the ground mount to the solar shed.
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