
kcaj22 avatar image
kcaj22 asked

multiplus-ii doesn’t power up

multiplus-ii: no mains light, no charger power up from the minute i wired it up. nothing but problems.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

Your first port of call should always be the dealer you bought it from who will also be able to offer advice and handle any warranty claim aspects in the unlikely event that it is actually required.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·
Can you provide more information on the system setup (fuses, isolator switches etc.) with a diagram, some pictures? Have you tested the voltages at the MP terminals, the battery, isolator switches, fuse to ensure the power is getting through? Is there actually voltage at the ACIN? Did you overload the breaker by trying to power it up from the mains only? Do you have a battery connected?
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Hi, please rephrase this so someone can actually help you. Ranting isn’t going to solve your issue and we’re volunteers here, so it isn’t exactly motivational when someone isn’t constructive with their issue.

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