
fabikulol avatar image
fabikulol asked

intentionally overloading charger and/or Multiplus

Is it possible to intentionally overload lets say one string of a MPPT RS 450/100 to 4,5kW given that the ambient temperature is below i.e. 16°C and/or additional cooling is provided (the opposite of temperature derating, so to speak).

The same question applies to the Multiplus-II in a grid tied configuration. Once 2,4kW are exceeded, the device starts including grid power to the mix. In an off-grid scenario the MP-II is able (according to Victron Energy documents), to sustain 130% overload for 30min. Can this be achieved in a grid tied installation?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The multiplus also has a max transfer ability. Usually stated in the model name.

The multiplus can add its inverting power to the grid input in power assist.

If you are inverting (depending on what model you have) you can run an overload for half an hour and the unit shuts down because of internal temperatures to prevent damage.

The MPPT 450/100 only puts out 100A max. Will derate but not overate. And how many watts it outputs depends on battery voltage.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

The MP-II, no, not when you are running ESS.

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